Download Email From Server Print

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Leaving email messages on the server takes up a lot of storage space and can cause disk quota issues for your account.  Here's how you can make sure your email program is downloading and deleting email messages from the mail server.


Outlook Express, Outlook 98/2000, Windows Mail.

Open Outlook Express , Outlook 98/2000, or Windows Mail.

1. From the Tools menu select Accounts. The Internet Accounts box appears.

2. Select the Mail tab. (Note: Windows Mail does not have the Mail tab, but shows the account in the Internet Accounts window). Your email account appears.

3. Click on your account,  usually named, then click the Properties button on the right. The properties appear.

4. Select the Advanced tab.

5. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, please check the box Remove from server after, and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved. We recommend 14 days max, but you should never leave a copy of email on the server for more than 30 days.

6. Click OK and then click Close to return to the email program.



Outlook 2002/2003

1. Open Outlook.

2. From the Tools menu, select Email Accounts or Account Setting for Outlook 2007. The Accounts box appears.

3. Verify that the radio button View or change existing email accounts is selected and click Next.

4. Your email account appears, usually labeled

5. Click on your email account to highlight it, then click the Change button on the right. The Internet Email Settings appear.

6. Click the button More Settings... in the lower right-hand corner.  The Internet Email Settings box appears.

7. Click the Advanced tab.

8. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, please check the box "Remove from server after," and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved. We recommend 14 days max, but you should never leave a copy of email on the server for more than 30 days.

9. Click OK, then click Next, and then click Finish to return to the email program.


Outlook 2007

1. Open Outlook.

2. From the Tools menu, select Account Settings.  The Account Settings box appears.

3. Your email account appears, usually labeled

4. Click on your email account to highlight it, then click the Change button. The Internet Email Settings appear.

5. Click the button More Settings... in the lower right-hand corner.  The Internet Email Settings box appears.

6. Click the Advanced tab.

7. Under the Delivery section: Clear the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server if you do not need to save mail on the server. If you would like to leave messages on the server, please check the box "Remove from server after", and click the arrows to specify the number of days or weeks emails should be saved. We recommend 14 days max, but you should never leave a copy of email on the server for more than 30 days.

8. Click OK, then click Next, and then click Finish.  Click Close to return to the email program.


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